Day 1 - Favorite Word

It's Day 1! The first day of a 30-day challenge with each day delivering a new subject area for you to sketch or draw. Before we jump into Day 1's subject area....

Let's cover some basics

  1. This should absolutely be fun
  2. Allow yourself the freedom to simply do the best you can without judgment. Be positive about what you create, while you are creating it and if you decide to share it.  
  3. You need to set time aside each day to participate. Life happens, so if you skip a day the world won't stop turning. Catch up or skip to the current day.
  4. This is a stress-free zone, If you are feeling stressed about a day's  subject area, pick from the wildcard stack (provided each day). If you are having a stressful day, take the time you set aside to go for a walk or take a long hot shower. See bullet #1   
  5. Keep it secret and safe or share it. It's your choice!   
  6. Do not give up. This challenge piqued your interest in the first place, ride it out and see when you end up

Okay... let's jump in and get sketching!

Challenge Topic #1: Favorite Word

Do you have a word that is your favorite? When you use it, you find it evokes a certain emotion of happiness or a memory?  Or is there a word that you feel represents who you are or who you want to be? Maybe you want to use a word to describe the challenge, something you will refer to throughout the challenge to remind you why you are here. 

There are some style options as well... calligraphy, graffiti, bubble letters, or block. 

Wild Card Options 

  • a Jack O'lantern
  • a silly ghost
  • Trace your hand and turn it into a monster 

Some examples (google search)

Leslie Grossman is the founder of Stitches By Leslie, Inc. and the creator of the patent pending Sketch Mate. For more information, reach out